i-curate LTD has a zero-tolerance approach to slavery and is committed to preventing acts of slavery and human trafficking from occurring within both its business and supply chain, and imposes those same high standards on its contractors, suppliers, and other business partners.
i-curate LTD is a supplier of Software as a Service. Our suppliers and our customers are currently based in the UK. As part of our full software service, we may be asked to facilitate the supply of physical goods for customers via third parties. We work with a wide range of different suppliers, subcontractors, and partners, each of which will have their own subcontractors, affiliates, and associate entities. i-curate LTD therefore is connected to multiple entities through numerous contractual relationships.
We have:
The above procedures are designed to:
This statement is made pursuant to section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and constitutes our Group’s slavery and human trafficking statement for the financial year ended 2024.